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Talks of the scholarship holders

  • Deficiency of GABARAP but Not Its Paralogs Causes Enhanced EGF-Induced EGFR Degradation, Jochen Dobner, International Conference on Cell and Experimental Biology (CEB-2020) - Virtual Conference December 9-11, 2020
  • Functions of Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) in defense against Salmonella Typhimurium infection, Sevgi Can Cengiz, Heike Weighardt, Irmgard Förster, 21th German-Japanese Joint Symposium on Life and Medical Sciences, March 02, 2020 Bonn/Germany
  • Role of BATF on function and development of plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Ritu Mann, Shafaqat Ali, Patrick Petzsch, Karl-Ehrich Köhrer, Philipp Lang, Regine Dress, Stefanie Scheu, Arbeitskreis Dendritische Zellen (AKDC), 6.-8.2.2019
  • HEXplorer based analysis of splicing regulatory elements, Lisa Müller, Stephan Theiss, Heiner Schaal, 2nd International Caparica Conference in Splicing, 16.07-19.07. 2018
  • Wind to the left, swing to the right – position dependency of splicing regulatory elements, Lisa Müller, Stephan Theiss, Heiner Schaal, 12. BMFZ-Klausurtagung, 19.-20. April 2018
  • Investigation of BATF-dependent gene expression signatures in plasmacytoid dendritic cells, Ritu Mann, Shafaqat Ali, Patrick Petzsch, Karl-Ehrich Köhrer, Stefanie Scheu, Symposium "Infektion und Immunabwehr", March 2018
  • HCV triggers the release of CXCR2 ligands via an EGF-driven circuit, Kerstin Rufinatscha, Christina Gröpper, Nadja Triller, Sabine Stindt, Christian Ehlting, Dieter Häussinger, Johannes Bode, deliver, 29.09.17
  • Immunoreactions during an infection with Toxoplasma gondii,Christoph-Martin Ufermann and Walter Däubener; TOXONET-Meeting 2018, 20.03.2018, Berlin, Germany
  • Induced tryptophan degradation during murine toxoplasmosis, Christoph-Martin Ufermann and Walter Däubener; TOXONET-Meeting 2019, 01.10.2019, Berlin, Germany
  • Identification and characterization of vaccinia virus proteins which inhibit autophagy; Noémi Vágó, Houda Khatif, Artur Jakimovich, Melanie Krause, Jin Lei, Jason Mercer and Ingo Drexler; 17th International Congress of Immunology (IUIS2019) in Beijing, China, October 19-23. 2019.
  • Functional analysis of lymphotoxin ß receptor-regulated effector molecules during the immune response against intracellular pathogens, Wichert A, Sorg UR, Degrandi D, Behnke K, Gabbert HE, Pfeffer K, 12th ENII EFIS EJI Summer school, May 6-13, 2017


Talks of the associated doctoral researchers


  • Schwarz T., Kefalakes H., Brinkmann J., Walker A., Heinemann F.M., Schulze zur Wiesch J., Lauer G., Cornberg M., Kraft A., Keitel-Anselmino V., Hoffmann D., Timm J. Impact of HBV sequence diversity on the CD8 T cell immune response. Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology; 14-17 March 2018; Würzburg Germany






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